Hunting > Mauritius
The island was discovered by the Portuguese, in 1505. It was first colonized by the Dutch in 1638, and named after the Prince Maurice of Nassau. The French controlled the island during the XVIII Century and they named it as Îlle de France. The island was taken by the British in 1814, which brought its former name back.
The independence happened in 1968, but Mauritius keeps as the Head of State the United Kingdom’s Monarch and just turned into a Republic in 1992, becoming a member of the Commonwealth. The island has a stable democratic government with free and regular elections, and positive human rights. Consequently, drew a big foreign investment, earning therefore the biggest Africa’s per capita income.
English is one of the official languages and is particularly cultivated by the Indian origin population. The other official language is French. The usual communication language is the Marisyen, a Creole language based on French. Lots of the Indian and Chinese immigrants still use their native languages.
The island is a popular destination for the European, more specifically for the French and the English. Featuring resorts and internationally known five stars hotels and even Mauritian accommodation, excellent restaurants and an excellent tourism structure; Mauritius has what it takes for pleasing since the most simple to the most demanding visitor.
Hunting in this destination is a great privilege for anyone. Big traditions and rituals are passed through generations, showing the respect and importance given to the local animal life. Huge Rusa deers or Java deers as they are more commonly known can be found in the island, and several records come from there. A numerous population of wild boar, pheasants and Japanese hares can also be found.
Fishing is also a great local attraction and can be conciliated with your hunting days without any problems, and gives you the opportunity of trying to complete the Mauritian challenge: To hunt a deer in the morning, fish a marlin in the afternoon and hunt a wild boar at night.
Contact us and we will make a safari especially for you.
Population: 1.295.000
Area: 2.040 Km²
Capital: Port Louis
Language: French, English, Creole Mauritian
Currency: Mauritian Rupiah