Species Guide > Warthog

Warthog (Phacochoerus africanus)

The Warthog is a very wanted animal due to its beautiful pair of fangs. They can be very aggressive, especially a female with nestling, however, do not use to offer danger to one that is on a safari. As they are in the end of the food chain, they are animals that are always alert to danger around. They are not territorial and live close to water sources and tall grass, where they can hide.

They are classified as medium-sized animals. The male can have 1 m to 1,5 m length and can weigh from 70 kg to 150 kg, while the female weight from 45 kg to 70 kg and have 60 cm to 85 cm length. They have a dark gray fur and present a long mane throughout the entire back.

This is another iconic African species present in Several Countries of the continent, more common in Zimbabwe and South Africa.
