Species Guide > Sable
Sable (Hippotragus niger)
The Sable is one of the most imposing and beautiful African antelopes. It is also one of the only that is not characterized as a plains game. Due to its big size, its black fur and their curved and long horns, the Sable is, without a doubt, one of the most nobles antelopes.
They are animals that form groups from up to 30 individuals, always with only one dominant male. Females have dark brown fur and they can be 1,15 m high (up to the shoulders), with a weight of up to 160 kg. Males have a dark fur, varying from dark brown to absolute black and their maximum measurements are from 1,5 m high and 260 kg. Both genders have horns, although in the male specimens are thicker and longer, serving as a main weapon in the violent battles that are engaged in the dispute for territory and respect.
They can be found in several Countries in Africa, however, the biggest Sables are in Zambia, and may also appear in Zimbabwe and in Mozambique.