Species Guide > Mouflon
Mouflon (Ovis aries orientalis )
The Mouflon is a species of wild sheep and it is present in multiple Countries and in several continents. It is original from Europe and lives in mountainous regions as the Carducks, Alpes and Balcans.
Present a short brown reddish fur, with dark black lists following the spine and white stains on the side of the body, resembling a saddle. Their horns are so specific from the species curved backwards and making a big circle and they can have 90 cm length. The adult male Mouflon can weigh up to 70 kg and be 90 cm high on their shoulders; females are normally 25% smaller.
The Mouflon is a species of wild sheep and it is present in multiple Countries and in several continents. It is original from Europe and lives in mountainous regions as the Carducks, Alpes and Balcans.