Species Guide > Lion
Lion (Panthera leo)
The Lion is considered to be the noblest member of the “Big Five”, the five most important animals in Africa (Lion, Leopard, Elephant, Rhino and Buffalo). It is considered to be the King of the Forest, as the biggest African feline and the second biggest in the world (only loses to the tiger). The sound of his roar echoes in the plains and alert everyone of his feared presence. Can be heard at 6 km distant frightening their prey.
The males can weigh up to 300 kg and have 2,8 m and the lionesses reach the mark of 140 kg and 2 m. A lioness of 120 kg can slaughter a Buffalo of 800 kg, which demonstrates the strength of those animals and their position in the food chain.
They are extremely adaptable, which ensured their existence and prosperity in several African Countries. Lions hunt during the night and they spent the days resting under the shadow. It is the only social feline, forming groups of up to 10 animals, with a dominant male.