Species Guide > Lechwe

Lechwe (Kobus leche)

The Lechwe is one of the most beautiful African antelopes, with its distinct fur and their horns are curved backwards. Their colors may vary between a strong red throughout the body to an absolute black on the front paws contrasting with the dark brown reddish throughout the body, according to the place they live in.

The Red Lechwe, as the name suggests, is the red throughout the body, with an area from the throat and the white belly and is present in areas in South Africa, Botswana, Namibia and Zambia.

The Kafue Lechwe has the front paws almost completely black lighten to a strong red throughout on the remaining body. It is originating from the region of the Kafue Park, in Zambia.

The Black Lechwe, Black that is found in the wetlands of the North Zambia (area called as Bangweulu), it has front paws with a black chocolate colored fur, really dark and the remaining body has a brown reddish tone.

All of them have physically similar sizes, with a variation on the size of the horns (from 54 cm to 80 cm), being the Kafue Lechwe the biggest in this matter. With 80 cm to 100 cm high (on the shoulders) and weight of 80 kg to 120 kg, it is considered a medium/big sized antelope.

Lechwes live in big groups of up to 200 animals and stay close to the wetlands and throughout the shore of the rivers, since they prefer wet areas.
