Species Guide > Gredos Ibex

Gredos Ibex (Capra pyrenaica victoriae)

This is the biggest of the species of Ibex, is endemic from the Gredos Ridge (Estremadura-Spain) and is only found in this region.

They have a fur that varies according to the season of the year and age. While in the summer present shorter hair, in the winter those are longer in order to protect them from the cold of the mountains they inhabit. When young they present a more gray fur in the lateral flanks and torso and legs with a real dark color. As they get older they present a dark brown color, getting close to black.

The males present a magnificent pair of ringed horns with rough texture, that grow vertically angle shaped.

Can weigh from 80kg to 120kg and have 70cm to 100cm high to the shoulder and around 130cm length. Females present size from 30 to 40% smaller.
