Species Guide > Eland

Eland (Taurotragus oryx)

The Eland is the biggest antelope on the planet. The males are found with up to 3,5 m length, from 1,6 m to 1,8 m high (in the shoulders) and with weight of 700 kg to 800 kg, while the females can reach 1,5 m high and from 350 kg to 600 kg. This African giant is an extremely wanted species.

They live in groups that can reach 400 animals; however, they are not territorial. They can be found in several habitats, preferably in savannahs, grasslands and dense forests.

There are some Eland species and its color may vary according to the geographic disposal. The Common Eland or Cape Eland is found in Namibia, South Africa, parts of Botswana and Zimbabwe. Present a gray color throughout the whole body with a black stripe on the face and a whitish stripe on the belly. The Livingstone Eland lives in Mozambique and Zambia and also presents a predominant gray color in its fur, however, it can be distinguished from the Eland Common through its white stripes perpendicular to its spine. The third and biggest animal of the species is the Giant Eland, predominant in regions of Cameroon, Congo, Benin and Central African Republic. Its physical characteristics are also highlighted in the color of its fur, yellower and with black and long hair in the area of the neck.
