Species Guide > Blue Wildebeest

Blue Wildebeest (Connochaetes gnou)

The Blue Wildebeest shows little signs of evolution since the period of the division of the species. Very well adapted to different habitat conditions presented in the continent, this animal lives in areas of forests or of large grasslands. It is extremely strong and protagonist of a big spectacle of the African fauna: the big migration. Groups of thousands of animals cross rivers, plains and mountains, according to a raining season. When the rains are ending in certain areas, the Gnus migrate there in search of the water and fresh food. Some months later, when the rain starts again in the area they were in, they return to where they came, making the migration constant and cyclic.

The Blue Wildebeest can run up to 80 km/h and the male can measure from 1,4 m to 1,5 m (up to the shoulders). Its weight is in average of 250 kg. It has a gray-blue color and with darks stains throughout the neck, a long line of hair that goes from the beginning of the chin until the belly and horns which grown from the side of the skull, curved upwards.

