Species Guide > Big Kudu
Big Kudu (Tragelaphus strepsiceros)
Dubbed “the Grey Ghost”, the Kudu is without a doubt one of the most magnificent and wanted antelopes in Africa. Due to its vast distribution through the continent, they can present different sub-species, though all have the same characteristics in the beautiful long and coiled horns.
The Big-Kudu can be found in South Africa, Zimbabwe, Namibia, Zambia, Botswana and Mozambique. Only the male have horns, which are their main combat tool in the long brutal battles engaged for conquer territory and respect. They weigh from 180 kg to 210 kg, but Kudus with more than 300 kg had already been recorded. Their height can reach up to 1,6 m (up to the shoulders) and their horns may vary from 1,2 m to 1,55 m.
Another Kudu’s striking characteristic is its long “beard” throughout of the neck that may vary from black to light beige. Its gray fur can be presented in more brown shades, depending on the region where the animal is found, however all the species have white stripes on the sides of the body, perpendicular to its spine.
The females have similar color, do not have horns and have a smaller physical size, varying between 110 kg and 200 kg, with an average height of 90 cm.